Friday, September 10, 2010

I amaze my self more and more at how easily, and often, I can entertain myself with no effort at all.
Take this morning... I am sitting in my office starting my day when a man from the school service center walks in the door. He was here to measure for a special cabinet to hold equipment used in our White Elementary TV studio during broadcasts. We had been waiting for months so I was very excited that they were here. I decided it would be good to call David M (who is a retired teacher who still comes in to help with the studio) so he could talk to the guys and tell them exactly what we needed. I pulled out my cell phone and found the listing for David's cell on my phone.
It rang a few times and then I heard David say hello.
I started right in on the exciting news about the cabinet. I asked him if he could talk to the guy standing next to me. He answered in a slow voice that he didn't know about a cabinet.
David loves to joke around more than most people I know so I ignored this response and told him that I really needed him to talk to the guy about the TV studio. I barreled ahead with my requests for help while beginning to be extremely confused as to why he wasn't as excited as I was about the long awaited carpenters.
When I finished, he answered with, "I don't know what you're talking about at all." He sounded VERY confused.
I finally gave up and, confused myself, thanked him and hung up as the SSC guy looked on.
I tried to call David's home but no answer. So I went to try answering questions myself.
As the morning went on, I tried to figure out what had happened with the call. My son in law is also David but he would have known who it was and stopped me.
Well, that afternoon I was telling my friend, Michelle, about the strange call. She was puzzled but then asked, "Doesn't Matt have a friend named David?"
All of a sudden it made sense. David, my teen son's best friend, had most likely been woken up by a crazy lady trying to get information about a cabinet in a TV studio!
Maybe he'll just think it was a strange dream!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone which is a very advanced skill! ;-)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Teenagers and the Kansas State Fair - It's state fair time!

(The story is true but the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the dramatic.)Yesterday (back in 2006) we went to the State Fair. Edith, Bunny, Mac and his best friend, Jon (from KC) and I spent most of the day there. We, girls, spent the afternoon at the exhibits while the boys rode rides, ate, and rode more rides. My oldest daughter, Edith, and I had tickets to see the live radio show, A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor. I had been looking forward to the show for months. Bunny teamed up with Mac and Jon when it was time for us to line up for the show in the grandstand and the plan was for Bunny, Mac and Jon to enjoy the fair together until the show was over. After that, we would head back to Wichita so Bunny could meet her best friends for a birthday celebration movie at 9:15. Everything seemed to be working out great, right? Wrong!

Edith and I waited in line and finally wound our way to our seats in the, nearly, sold out stadium. Since I waited so late to get the tickets (this week), our seats were not the best but we were going to have fun anyway.

About 40 min. into the 2 hour show, I notice my phone is vibrating. I'm a good mother and have provided instant access to me for my children through their personal cell phones. I decide I had better check it since it might be my children! I hand Edith my coke, put my bag under my seat, and dig in my pocket; not an easy task with people squeezed in all around me! As the first skit, (a funny rhubarb pie commercial) is beginning, I open my phone. Sure enough, I have text messages waiting for me.

There were 3 messages that I had apparently missed while in line. I guess I didn't hear my phone. (I hope you can read teenage texting) ;-)

Mac's text: 4:28pm - Call me
Bunny's text: 4:31pm - Hey please call me we cant get a hold of u
Bunny's text: 5:12pm - Hey please call me we cant get a hold of u

Then the messages start rolling in:

Bunny's text: 5:21pm - Can u please come through the refreshment stand that’s where we r
Bunny's text: 5:25pm - Please its important and we cant get a hold of u my head hurts so bad
Mac's text: 5:26pm - I am dying from the heat, call me because I just got robbed. I also have a headache and we all want to go home now.
Bunny's text: 5:27pm - We r right by the ice cream shop

OK, these kind of messages tend to make mothers a little anxious. I try to decide how to respond: "No and leave me alone, these tickets cost me $35 and I want to enjoy the show." vs. "Should I call the police or an ambulance?"

Edith insists on going to check on them so I can "stay and enjoy" the show. She squeezes through the row of people.
I wait patiently, "enjoying the show"; I can't remember a thing from that segment!

The next texts come in.

Mac's text: 5:35pm - Vending machine took my money
Edith's text: 5:36pm - They got robbed by the vending machine and Bunny’s friends are going to meet at 7:15.

Then, finally:

Edith's text: 5:37pm - They are hot and being stupid

Edith shows back up in the grandstand, after “robbing” Mac of $20 of the money I gave them, buys me a Prairie Home Companion t-shirt, and we finally enjoy the rest of the show. We leave a couple of minutes before the end of the show to meet the kids, who (surprisingly!), had spent the rest of the show riding rides and having fun! ???

As we leave the grandstand area, Bunny is rushing us to the exit as she talks to her friends on her cell. We get outside the gate just as she is hanging up. Her friends have changed their minds again and have decided to go to the 9:15 show, after all. Now, Bunny turns to me with a smile, "Do you want to stay a little longer?"

Well, I think… we saw the animals, cakes, pies, quilts, the 619.5 lb. pumpkin, scarecrows and the butter sculpture, rode the rides, ate pronto pups and drank lemonade, plus I got to watch "A Prairie Home Companion," live.

No… I think we'll just head for home.

I love my kids!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have good reason to be tired tonight, but it is (partly) my own fault!

Yesterday, Brittany and I were going to run some errands together so she met me at Target and she left her car there. On our way home, we picked up supper. Just as we drove up the street toward home, I remembered that her car was still at Target. We decided to wait until after we ate supper to go and get it.

About 1:30 AM, Brittany opened my bedroom door and woke me out of a sound sleep. She had just remembered we never picked up her car. I was so tired that it took me a few minutes to realize what she was saying.

Neither one of us thought the car should stay in the empty parking lot all night so I pulled on some clothes. I drove her 7 miles to take her to her car and 7 miles back home before crawling back in bed a little after 2:00. Please tell me we aren't the only ones who have ever done anything like that!